Incapacitated passengers

A passenger shall be considered incapacitated when due to a physical or mental condition, requires individual attention, different from the needs of other passengers.

This definition includes all kinds of permanent or temporary disability and also, passengers with reduced physical or mental conditions. Distinctly categorised incapacitated passengers are:

  • Incapacitated passengers subject to prior medical clearance;
  • Incapacitated passengers subject to signature of a liability disclaimer;
  • Incapacitated passengers accepted without particular formalities.

MEDA Medical case – medical clearance for air transport may be required.

STCR Stretcher – passenger requiring transportation on a stretcher.

WCHR Wheelchair (Ramp) – A passenger requiring a wheelchair to/from aircraft (steps or finger) but who can ascend and descend steps and move within the aircraft cabin.

WCHS Wheelchair (Steps) – A passenger requiring a wheelchair to/from the aircraft and must be carried up and down the steps or who cannot ascend and descend steps, but who can move within the aircraft cabin.

WCHC Wheelchair (Cabin Seat) – A passenger who is completely immobile. He requires a wheelchair to and from the aircraft and must be carried up and down the steps or finger and to and from his seat.

BLND Blind – Specify if he is accompanied by a seeing-eye dog.

DEAF Deaf – Specify if he is accompanied by a hearing-hear dog.

LEGL Leg rest needed for left leg – passenger who is unable to bend his left leg (needs to keep it straight).

LEGR Leg rest needed for right leg – passenger who is unable to bend his right leg (needs to keep it straight).

LEGB Leg rest needed for both legs – passenger who is unable to bend both legs.

STCR – Passenger requires transportation on a stretcher.


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