It is easy for airfare to take the largest chunk in your budget for a trip, especially if you don’t invest enough time in finding a way to pay less for your journey. This can eat into your accommodation and feeding expenses; not a very attractive way to spend your holiday.
Well, here are a few strategies how to find hot deals on flights:
Booking in advance (3-4 months) ahead, while some airlines do offer last minute low prices, it varies depending on the market.
Transit flights are cheaper than direct flights by up to 50-150 USD.
Overnight accommodation in case of a stopover during your journey will be compensated by the airline in the majority of cases
Sign up to marketing offers /hot sales in order not to miss these very cheap tickets.
Follow smm channels, some great offers will be announced through these channels.
For short term bookings, search for at least +~3 days around your desired date.
Look for on-hold deposit fares with a small pre booking fee if you are unsure about the dates but the price is sexy.
Play around the form of payments - there might be a discount for the different types.
Register for a loyalty card; some airlines offer better prices with this.
Use smart Market Place aggregator - CrazyLlama - to find the best deals from different markets.
While there is no single way to find cheap flights, taking the time to shop around online websites selling cheap tickets, altering your dates and waiting until just the right time, you might be able to save big on your next trip.